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Newsletter | February March 2023

Sorry I’m running a wee bit late this month.

Congratulations to all the winners in the championships held lately.

Junior singles – Ladies: Priscilla McLean r/up Simone Stewart. Mens : Steve Lee r/up John Meleisea

Pairs –  Ladies: Wendy Green and Lynette McIntosh, r/up Liz Witton and Annie Judge.

Men: Not yet finished.

Junior Pairs – Ladies : Simone Stewart and Emma Cairns, won outright. Well done Emma as this was her first ever competition. Mens:  Steve Lee and Mike Owens, r/up John Meleisea and Robbie Dimock.

Fours – Both fours were won outright. Ladies : Dot, Jan, Annie and Simone. Mens : Joe, Rusty, Brett and Ron.

A big thankyou to everyone that put their hands up to do the umpiring for all the singles matches, it is greatly appreciated.

Also thanks to the large numbers that have turned up to watch all the matches. There were some great games, especially in the junior singles, with some games going down to the last end. ONE thing I would ask is people on the sidelines to applaud all good bowls equally and refrain from saying things out loud such as “they should have taken the other hand” remember they are new at the game and standing on the mat they may see things differently.

The club is getting into a strong place with the number of new members, and with them showing lots of potential. So please try and all get on well together so they feel friendship and feel it is a happy, happening place to be.

Mens and Ladies teams went away to the 7’s a couple of weekends ago, although not faring too well they gave it their all. The competition at this level is very high, so the experience was invaluable.

Please also note the following:  All club members who make themselves available for selection to represent Bowls Taupo in Bowls NZ or Bowls BOP fixtures must understand that they may or may not be selected on that specific occasion. Players selected are advised of the tournaments conditions of play and the Clubs travel and accommodation arrangements by the team manager. Any changes to these arrangements must be approved by the Team Manager.

Business House bowls last night was very successful but will be even better next year when we have the use of both greens again. Thanks to Dave and Carol for running and Jim for assisting, thanks to the lovely BBQ ladies, thanks to Stu for the raffles, thanks to Peter Judge the bowls controller and finally the ever willing bar staff.

A huge thanks to Graham and Spud for working alongside the contractors in preparing the site for the storage container, which is about to be put in place as this letter is being done.

Junior bowls has gone really well with up to 12 children/teenagers coming along. A big thanks to Simone for getting this up and running and hopefully planting the seed for future generations of new bowlers.

This is probably my last newsletter for the year as we are heading off to the South Island at the end of the month. Thanks to all that have supported me in my roll. I wish you all good bowling for the rest of the year. Finally a special big thanks to Kirste for helping with the newsletter.

By the time I get back the elections will be on us. It would be great to see some new people put their hands up for some of the rolls. So please start thinking about how you can make our club go forward and be the place to be.

Regards to all Stan


“Don’t look back, you’re not going that way”




Stan Hall

Club Captain

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