A warm welcome to 2023.
It was a very busy December with lots of Christmas functions wanting to play bowls, unfortunately the weather didn’t play its part and indoor bowls was used a lot.
The club Christmas party was a great success thanks to the Social committee, also the lovely Elf [Janice] Fairy [Edith] and the entertainment provided by The Woolshed Wranglers line dancers. Thanks to all that supported the evening.
The Hams tournament was won by Steve Lee, Peter Rossall and Stan, a huge thanks to Pak N Save for their great sponsorship.
The New Year pairs were held 2nd Jan, well done to Liz and Annie winning this.
The Vets men’s singles was won by Joe with I believe Dave Beck a very close 2nd, well done guys. Ladies still not finished.
Men’s singles won by Ron Bailey ([well done young fella) and worthy runner up Grahame Velvin.
In March on a Wed Simone is organizing to have Intermediate and Secondary school kids playing bowls. A huge thanks Simone for getting this up and running.
Wednesday working bee workers had a thankyou Christmas rollup and lunch, many thanks to Maureen for putting on a top spread it was very much appreciated. And on the note of the Wednesday working bee, these are held every Wednesday morning 8.30 to 12.00 we would appreciate if more members came along to help. There is always something to be done to keep our facilities looking as good as they do. The bonus is that every 2nd Wednesday Urshla brings scones which we love and appreciate. If you need more information just ask Grahame or myself.
Another call for helpers. On club and tournament days the greens staff would love to see more hands out helping set up the boards, mats and jacks. It’s not an onerous task to step up and show your enthusiasm and not leave it to the same old same old, more hands make light work as the saying goes.
Thanks to Dave Jones (and Wendy for the 2nd session) for taking the coaching of those now in a situation of needing to learn how to read the head. Judging by the number of people attending this was very much needed, so well done in calling for this Kirste.
Fun Friday is coming back starting 3rd Feb and going every Friday even if it’s wet. Name in again no later than 5.30, The first Friday will be those lovely pizzas, so come along and enjoy each other’s company.
There are a lot of championship events coming up, I encourage new members to have a go as it is a great way to learn and improve, and I wish everyone well in these.
A reminder that if you are a Facebook user to take a peek at our posts which we are attempting to keep current and up to date. Likewise don’t forget to check our website Bowls Taupo to see what’s happening.
And if you didn’t read in the minutes of the last Management meeting, we are asking if you currently use a cubby hole in the bowls locker room, can you please write your name on the provided white sticker so we can go through and put permanent names on, any cubby hole not claimed after two weeks can then be made available for new members. Likewise in the next two weeks the assorted items on the trestle table are to be claimed or re-homed as well as the excess certificates in the Meeting room.
The latest update from Dave is that green B has been held up due to the contractor not having the Health and Safety plan in place, we will keep members up to date as we get more info.
Last but not least I would like to thank Jim for the time and effort that he has put in, in the role as temporary Club Manager. It is now time to move this forward and advertise for a permanent manager as was discussed and agreed to at the Futures meeting that the members were involved in last year.
Yours in bowling, Stan Club Captain
As one of the club coaches recently said at a coaching session (with humour)
Wind in your face take more pace, wind up your A_ _ _ take more grass.