8 Artificial Courts
Grass surface courts.
Fully Fenced
Full safety and security.
Free Night Lighting
(lights to be turned off at 10 pm)
Access to Ball Machine
available from Clubhouse
Club House
Mens & Womens changing rooms with toilet and showers.
Kitchen Facilities.
Licensed Bar.
Extensive deck for relaxing and viewing.
Ample car parking.
If last to leave, please check that all gates to courts are closed, all doors and windows are locked and lights are off.
Court Hire
The club courts are available for casual hire outside the normal periods of club play.
Cost: $10 per person, per hour, plus refundable bond.
Keys available at:
New Zealand Corner
101 Tongariro St
TAUPO Town Centre
07 377 0303
Casual Visitors
Visitors & non-members are welcome to play with current financial members at the facilities for a donation of $10 each. This helps our non-profit club to continue maintenance of the facilities for all to enjoy.
Please use the envelopes next to the Club house entrance, write the Member’s name (that the guests are playing with), the date and the time on the envelope. Insert the $10, seal the envelope and place in the honesty box slot, on the outside wall of the clubhouse beside the main doors.
Club Regulations
A reasonable standard of dress is required at all times.
Non-marking tennis shoes must be worn while on the courts.
Players must be financial members of the club to be eligible to play club events.
All competitions and its entrants are governed by the rules & etiquette of tennis and by the club constitution.
Drinks (other than water), cigarettes and confectionery are not to be taken on to the surfaced areas of the court.
Strictly no bikes, roller blades, skateboards or similar on the court areas.
No dogs.