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Newsletter | December 2022

Merry Christmas All,


Eighteen sleeps until Santa arrives.

This is my last newsletter for 2022, what a busy few months we have had at the club. Lots of new enthusiastic bowlers and lots of interest in our Twilight bowls series and our Fun Fridays. A huge thank you to all the volunteers that have helped make them a success from the Steve and the helpers on the greens, the BBQ girls, the girls taking fish and chip orders, the result coordinators, the bar staff and Stu running the raffles. It’s great to see the spirit of everyone pulling together within the club to create an enriched environment.

A reminder that our Christmas Dinner is only a week away, Wednesday 14th from 5.30pm. Tickets are only $30.00 pp, the club is subsidising the dinner plus attached to your ticket is a ticket for redeeming at the bar for a drink. So all members whether you are new to the club or older please get in behind the Social Committee and support their efforts. Tickets must be purchased by Sunday 11th as caterer needs numbers, if you are not able to call in to the club to purchase phone Kirste 0212506584 to make other arrangements.

In the New Year we will be looking at a new style of an “as well as, or instead of option” for club shirts to be used by players representing the club both here and away or just as an option for club members to wear. The shirt will have graphics on it and we would like a name to compliment this and give us club identity, we will be running a competition to pick a name so look out for this on the notice board where you can put your suggestion and maybe have the winning one.

Fun Fridays will be back on again in Feb and March, more info in next newsletter.

Congratulations to all the championship winners up to now. Also congrats to Sandra, Marlene and Janice for winning their division in the Cossie club tournament in Levin recently.

Coaching for how to read the head and different types of shots will be held at 4.30 11th, 18th and 25th January run by Dave Jones. This is an opportunity for leads that have been bowling for 2 to 3 years and are preparing to move up a position and further develop their skills. A notice will go on the board for those interested to register.

And finally thanks to the Social committee for the great job done decorating the club rooms for Christmas and organising our Christmas dinner function. Feel festive and wear your Xmas bling if you wish.


Compliments of the season to you all. Bring on 2023, yours in bowling Stan Club Captain


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